03 February 2008

Chapter 217

Here are two simple rules:
1) Copy and then Answer the questions, if you're tagged
2) Tag other blogger buddies! (as many as you want)

Tell me your real name
Amal Nazirah Hj Abd Mulok.

Your nickname(s)
Amal, Jirrr, Nazi, kuroi, stupid girl. HAHA.

Most weird name you were called
stupid girl. HAHAHAHA.

How about the most annoying?
kuroi = = srsly.

Your sex

Your sexuality
get real, imma bi. HAHAHA. *IM STRAIGHT.

Your Birthdate

Your sign

Your current location
tnya mamamu.

Tell us about your lineage
Dato Godam's, mixed chinese, indonesia, dutch. apa lagi?

Your ethinicity
CINAA. HAHA. i mean malay. HAHA.

Are you single/taken/attached/not available/available/married?
single/not available.


What subjects or course are you taking?
O lvl atu kira course kah? HAHAHA.

What's your occupation?
student, head of the ITHJRPA, genius-wannabe, administrator of AFW. what else?

Do you drive?

Legally or illegally?
i dont drive darn it.

Do you smoke?

What is/are your fear(s)?
God. failure.

Honestly, do you think you're attractive?


awu 8D HAHA. sdg.

What is/are your most over-used expressions?
"paloi" "stupid girl" "doahou" "baieeee" "mamamu ah"

What about your most over-used pose?
middle finger? HAHA.

Would you date someone ten years younger or older?
OLDER, MAN. HAHA. *depends oi.

Best physical asset(s) of the opposite sex?
sipit eyes, cool hair *long, spiky, blablabla*, tiny lips, abs. HAHA.

Best non-physical asset(s) of the opposite sex?
humour, higher IQ. srsly, good sense in music.

Best physical and non-physical asset YOU think you have?
my lameness? heck man imma one of a kind. HAHA. my athletic strength (H)

Okay! DONE! Now list out the people you want to tag!
* let 'em know if you want them to answer.

- Jiim-uwh
- Meow
- Kenken
- Qilly
- Yatii
- Nain
- blablabla

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