28 July 2009

Chapter M4

just browsing around my folder, and found some funny stuff. deleted the useless, mmbari banci meliat. plussssssss Letto's Ruang Rindu's on repeat arah winamp (oh shaddap, my WMP doesnt work anymore)

i think this was last year. HAHAH emo. well no, its nice actually.

and found this arah my FF folder. i think he's hotter dri c Cloud. Yazo0 4 LyF.

Cloud Strife.

school was okay~ ada form 4's klaie tadi di canteen. c fathin gagah perkasa men-stop durang. aku mcm staie diridiri mcm org cool meliat HAHAHAHA. malas ku bah eh -.- wasnt in the mood tdi. ada this repeater thought that i was in the fight. lol wth man, it was clear i was standing doing nothing tadi (BAD EXAMPLE) hahaha fck la.

dibah the sweetheart bought me a shirt from zara. and this world's longest bubblegum where me and mimi took it straight from her and divided it into half for each one of us. karit bah kami atu. LOL. thnks dibah, mwah xxoo.

i dont know what to type in anymore, fb makin boring, plurk no life, twitter... i forgot my pw. i want a new LCD screen plox. this infra-radiating-green-emitting screen is torture. mutation might soon happen and id be a dragonfly.

9.30pm - cszzzzzzzzzzzxx. nightzx0r.

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