30 January 2008

Chapter 215

shiiet. 2 days without school sucks D: srsly. im getting tired of the internet. Friendster and Facebook are getting lame and lame-er everysecond. Batsu's also being such a fag. and none of my IM-ing friends are online. egad.

i think ill play cs D:

my temperature reached 39. HAHA. paluii. i've no appetite. makin kurus tah ku niii. bah jeles? jeles tahh kamuu~ HAHA. i miss 4A's chaos and riots. especially the chaos on the bus on our way to the padang.

amal: "eh kamu, ani apa ni?"
4A's : "udangg"
amal: "bagus, now ani apa?"
4A's : "5 ekor udangg"
amal: "bagussss, ani apa?"
4A's : *muttersmutters*
amal: "bah jadi?"
4A's : "prawnball!!!"
amal: "SALAHHH~"
4A's : *blank looks* "apatah?"
amal: "BELACANN!!"

HAHAHA. PALUIII. bising nyamuu bus ahh. imma so proud imma a 4A 8D
baru ku ingat today ada house assembly = = shit. this is pissing me off.

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