30 July 2009

Chapter M6

Mcube practically ruined my day today. heck, i guess it was obvious she didnt like me. whatever, lets get this form 5 shit over with.

i feel a bit fcked up today. i dont know why. mcm everyone i see diskulah atu mcm ada rasa hatred. gahd, besetan eh -.- dibah inda skulah and mimi abused me with her stupid suci bottle and gmah's new frisbee.
  • shoved the suci bottle somewhere i cant tell.
  • hit my forehead with the bottle
  • aimed the frisbee arah my head and it accurately hit me.
God, ngaleh bah thursdays ani. no actually EVERYDAY IS NGALEH. andajkdnadjkandjka. ada hikmah disebaliknya~~~ ndjkandajksnasjkdan. ada aussie chem test tadi, the questions were boring. brabis. fell asleep.


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