05 August 2009

Chapter M14

1pm onwards, its been a bloody-hell-shitty-rough day. trg-trg puasa indakan dipasang kali the stupid earpiece? aaaahhhhhh bloody hell. dont jump to fcking conclusions, menyakitkan hati wah. because of that, i feel like shooting myself.

breaktime, hung out with fathin, mimi, dibah and bella. dicomputer lab. hahaha, gossipped around, liat liat gmbr and did this sinful thing which i find it funny.

aku inda mau tuition krg. i wanna go to Miss Dayang's house and relax there. tmr's Amaths and Phys 2. shit. tuition lagi mathD. skdlandjkasndasjkdnadjkansdjas. bloody hell.

i can't believe you're hanging out with her. you know i dont like her and still you jalan-jalan sama ia. hahaha, i think its because we are not-so-rapat anymore and maybe she's taking advantage to take you away from me? gahd, if she thinks it that way, im going to confront her and pull her fcking brain out and shred it with a mfcking blender. mfcker.

what goes around, comes around. i think its coming back to me. hahahahaha, fck.

another wonderful stuff.

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